Monday, January 28, 2013

Andrew's 6 Months Old

You are now 6 months old. I can't believe how much you have grown is such a short time...though when I look back, I can't imagine that you have only been in our lives for 6 months because I can't imagine our lives without you. Things are finally starting to settle and fall into place with you. Your night time sleeping is improving...slowly but surely.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Andrew's 5 Months Old

Look at this little man!!! What a cutie pie! As you can see, you have such a gorgeous smile which we now have the privilege of enjoying throughout the day. This 5th month has been a bit rough for us all...though more for you, Andrew. You went under the weather for the first time shortly after turning 5 months. It hit you when we started to sleep train.
There are a few things that I wanted to work on with your sleep habits: your lack in the ability to self soothe and being able to sleep longer than three hours at a time throughout the night. I have been reading the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and started to implement some of the strategies. After a couple of days, I was seeing absolutely no progress and decided to make an appointment with your doctor to go over the strategies I was using. Our pediatrician is absolutely amazing and totally supported the strategies and agreed that it was time for you to learn how to sleep on your own...without mom and dad trying to soothe him for, at the very least, 30 minutes before you would fall asleep in our arms...but this is a whole other discussion/post, so we can come back to this later.